3:45 PM


Posted by amy |

If you are reading this post then you're just the person to help me out. In four weeks I'll be attending a women's retreat for my church where I have the awesome privilege of leading a breakout session. The theme of the retreat is The Power of a Word and each breakout will focus on a different word that can have power over us in one way or another. The word I'll be speaking on is "waiting" and I would love for you to be a part of my preparation.

In my study, as well as conversations and life experience over the last several years, I have come to realize that life is about waiting. No matter what season of life we find ourselves in we're always waiting on God for something. And let's face it, waiting can be hard. But, I am also convinced that in our waiting the Lord desires to magnify His goodness, faithfulness and sovereignty over our lives all the more.

So what is it, in your current season of life, that you are waiting for? Please take a brief moment to comment in answer to this question. You can be as brief or detailed as you like and your comment can even be anonymous if you prefer. This will help so much in my teaching, as well as have a great impact on several people's lives. It's so great to know we're not alone in our wait! Also, if you have a word about a waiting experience or a waiting fulfilled feel free to share that as well.

I look forward to reading your comments. In the meantime, I'll be waiting...


Erin said...

The longest and hardest wait for me was for my husband. I always assumed I would marry straight out of college, but instead it was actually 10 years later than that - a few weeks before I turned 31. It was difficult but the Lord grew me so much in my character and in my relationship with Him during that time. I posted about how my trust in the Lord was tested, and the fulfillment of the waiting here.

Allen, Becky and Stephen Priest said...

Waiting, hmm, waiting for prayers to be answered for grieving friends, waiting for whatever is next in our lives (big unknown right now after moving), ultimately all this points us to waiting for the redemption of all things and being with Jesus.