10:30 PM

Cast Your Vote

Posted by amy |

This past Saturday was Under the Texas Sky, the annual singles hoe down for my church, Houston's First Baptist. It was at an awesome German dance hall in Sealy, Texas called the Liedertafel Hall. It was a gorgeous fall night for eating BBQ under the stars and dancing to country music played live by a great band called Snake Bit. There were tons of fun things to do like a cookie bake off, pie eating contest, horse shoes, calf roping, and more. It was a blast! There are lots of fun pics from the night that you can check out on Stan's photo website.

I've recently discovered that I don't do serious pictures very well. The look I think I'm making and the look I'm actually making turn out different nine times out of ten. Go figure! Smiling is usually the better way to go for me. During the hoe down I was being coached on my serious face while posing in the "wanted" poster. My friend Courtney was a champ, enduring right along with me and making me laugh most of the time.

Since it's election day, I thought I'd run for aw-face to see which serious pose gets the most votes. Cast your vote now. And don't worry there's no electoral college here.

I'm Amy Kuntz......................and I approve this message!

1: stone cold

2: head cock

3: pursed lips

4: one eyed squint

5: western rebel


Sarah said...

"Pursed Lips" all the way! The others kinda scare me...so unnatural to see you looking mean.

Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad yall had fun sista!

Erin said...

I think I vote for #5 because of the hint of sass... but none of them come close to capturing how beautiful you are.

Unknown said...

I can't believe I am just now stumbling acros your blog!

I LOVE these pictures by the way! :)